When we “Think about” Our Game, we reinforce patterning, and create stagnation.
When we “Play” our Game, we see the newness, and create expansion.
Were you expecting someone else to drive your car?
To make these choices FOR you?
To wield YOUR power for you??
Taking responsibility for how you’re being on the court is scary yes, but that’s why we began the book with a dedication to the athletes that are READY.
Because if that athlete is you, if you ARE ready to OWN your process, then it’s time for you to learn HOW.
You need to know HOW to handle the many challenging dynamics that tennis requires.
Not through gimmicks, mental distractions, or routines.
But by being present THROUGH the challenge.
By meeting those challenges in STATE.
And not because you have to, but because you want to.
STATE implies ownership. Doing it FOR yourself.
Because it’s only from this place of self-empowerment, only by MEETING the challenge, do we transform our relationship to it.
In fact, it’s the VERY ACT of meeting the challenge that empowers YOU.
The very act of meeting the challenge transforms YOU into the solution you were previously seeking.